Local PR Basics

Local Proportional Representation (Local PR) is an electoral system designed specifically for Canada.

  • Local PR is proportional.
  • Local PR does not enlarge ridings.
  • Local PR does not add MPs to Parliament.
  • Local PR elects a locally-nominated MP in each of our existing ridings.
  • Local PR requires each MP to face the voters directly.

Learn more about the Goals of Local PR.

Local PR works by grouping 4-71 existing ridings into a region. Voters in the region elect the best MPs to represent the region as a whole, but with a guarantee that each riding will have one locally-nominated MP.

Local PR ballots give voters a lot of flexibility. Ideally, voters will rank several candidates from the region in order of preference. However, voters who prefer to keep it simple can just put an X beside their favourite candidate.

Learn more about How Local PR Works.

Local PR, as described above, delivers pretty good proportionality (Gallagher Index < 5 on a wide variety of scenarios). However, to make the proportionality even better, we envision adding a small number of compensatory (“top-up”) MPs at a later date.

  1. LPR works with groups of 4-7 or even more ridings, however we think the ideal target range is 5-6 ridings to balance proportionality with overall size. [return]